Saturday, January 9, 2010

Jim & Pat's Links

Featured here are general searches which provided access to
THOUSANDS of FREE articles. The title above each link represents the basic title used to generate massive amounts of articles.


The links worked for at least three years following the inception of this one page blog. Most no longer connect. 

Google at one time provided infinite links to the past but their online archives changed. You could pinpoint not only names but dates. That's how so many links were easily found.

You must now searc
GOOGLE NEWS ARCHIVES as it is no longer a part of their news page. 

Try using the titles above the links to see if you get a hit.
A lot of work went into the below searches and while they lasted for a few years, you're now on your own. Everything's out there. Just have to LOOK.

I recently found this online. Someone copied my links creating a condensed history of Jim's career including a jpeg of a newspaper clipping:

Jim Trimble Football:,or.r_gc.r_pw.&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=vw#hl=en&ds=n&sugexp=ldymls&pq=jim%20trimble%2C%20parade&xhr=t&q=jim+trimble,+football&cp=21&qe=amltIHRyaW1ibGUsIGZvb3RiYWxs&qesig=vSyy75kTtNpx8JLwpQ-MLw&pkc=AFgZ2tmU8ngbqnFWOjpfzhxYhe2kBqfq3YtbTyEQZpGKPC8K1HF0GEsUk5Cmnm-GtQTyXqjjhNq2FAr0c7dhFdIfrn5VZSTfSw&pf=p&sclient=psy&client=safari&rls=en&biw=1246&bih=607&tbs=ar:1&tbm=nws&source=hp&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=jim+trimble,+football&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=255ea52015d7d23c

Jim Trimble, McKeesport,+Mckeesport&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&fp=1e574b781106fa76&biw=1024&bih=659

Jim Trimble Indiana University:

Jim Trimble Wichita State:

Jim Trimble NFL:
Jim Trimble CFL:

Jim Trimble Tiger Cats:

Jim Trimble Grey Cup:

Jim Trimble Alouettes:

Jim Trimble Goal Post:

Jim Trimble Radio:

Jim Trimble TV:

Jim Trimble Giants:

Jim Trimble Superbowl:


Trying out for the Pirates. Later Drafted by Packers:

Jim Attends Smoker:

Wichita State Head Coach:

Named Eagles Head Coach:

Eagles Retain Trimble:

Jinx Big Jim:

Eagles Confident Will Beat Steelers:

Eagles Set Records:

Eagles Rout Browns:

Trimble Guest Speaker:

Eagles Team Records:(Click through '52-55):

Eagles Trimble Fired:

Shipmate Praises Jim:

Trimble Eyes Canada:

Canada Lands Eagle:

Trimble Signs One Year:

Jim's Grey Cup Years: (Search 45th-47th, 49th & 50th)

'57 Grey Cup:

'57 Grey Cup Tripper:

’58 Grey Cup Analysis:

’58 Grey Cup:

Jim’s CFL Thoughts:

Jim Doesn’t Like The Show:

Trimble’s Crew ’59 Grey Cup:

Pep Rally:

Trimble Predicts:

Blue Bombers:

Bombers Vs. TiCats:

Trimble Says No To Packers:

’59 Grey Cup Coverage:

Trimble Calls Player Dumb:

Argos Look To Win:

Jim Winner With Girls:

Coach Of The Year:

Jim's Salary:

Named Coach Of Alouettes:

Trimble Likes To Kid:

Trimble Predicts!:

Trimble Says:

Sazio & Trimble Hit The Showers:

Jim Writes:

Trimble Lured To Montreal:

Trimble Kids:

Jim Jokes:

Trimble May Return To Eagles:

Trimble Says Old Team Will Win Grey Cup:

Jim’s Column:

Trimble Named as Possible Falcon’s Coach:

Exergenie Jim:

Montreal Jim:

Trimble Brood:

Trimble Beat Me. Trimble Apologizes:

Goal Post:

Giants Add Trimble:

Pat’s Press!

Wedding Announcement:

High School Play:

High School Student:

Pats a C.A.T.:

John Joins Fraternity:

John Olmstead Coaches:

Donna Hit By Drunk Driver:

Donna Returns From Honeymoon:

And of all things...This 1977 newspaper lists Ruth marrying Walter Rochow 50 years prior or 1927. Your parents marry in '42. She is listed in that wedding announcement as Mrs. Walter Rochow but she is filmed with your Uncle Roy. So the marriage had to be long over by then.